Bee was one of the those experienced prostitutes, who on many occasions barfined with customers for sex in their hotel room. Whether they were Korean, Japanese, American or other, her service was always top rate. That’s at least what the mama san told the Trike Patrol, when they entered the LA Café looking for a freelancer named Bee.
Bee was there, at the bar, having a drink, making eye contact with our foreign stud, as he approached her, knowing what to expect from this older and more experienced hottie. She was very calm at their meeting, shaking his hand, and then cuddling up quickly to him at the bar, placing her hand on his lap, while he motioned the bartender to get them a drink. She had been told by her mamas an to expect this foreigner, looking to take video of her fucking on video. She was ready for the action and the money.
Bee had one of the hotter asses, that our foreign sexpert had fucked since being her. Her crotchless panties, however, were the crème dela crème, being able to leave those panties one, while eating her pussy, and fucking it. She loved sex with her panties on, felt more in control, as his big cock split her open. She enjoyed it, she wanted it, she wanted the cock.
Bee turned out to be one hell of a fuck, and this hookers crotch less underwear were a good reason why. She is the kind of bargirl you’d expect to meet and fuck at the LA Café. She wants to please the cock while making the cash.
See this Bargirl fuck on video at Trike Patrol